

At our clinic, each consultation lasts for 15 minutes. This gives us ample time to conduct a thorough physical examination of your pet and address any concerns you may have. We’ll discuss treatment options together and tailor them specifically to your pet’s needs. Sometimes, the amount of information can feel overwhelming, so we’re happy to provide extra resources or information to take home. If you need more time during your appointment, just let us know when you book. We operate by appointment only, except for emergencies.

Unfortunately, we have noticed an increase in clients not showing up or cancelling appointments at the last minute. To ensure we can serve all our clients effectively, we have implemented a no-show fee. This policy helps us reallocate appointments efficiently and provide care to as many pets as possible.

If your pet requires emergency veterinary care outside of our regular hours, please contact Veteris, our trusted home visit vets, at 020 4586 1496.

Vaccinations are crucial for keeping your pet healthy by shielding them from harmful diseases. Although these diseases are now uncommon due to widespread vaccination, it’s still essential to keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date to ensure their protection.

During a vaccination appointment, your vet will also conduct a thorough health check on your pet and recommend the appropriate flea and worming treatments, ensuring their overall well-being.

Why does my pet need annual vaccinations?

Some vaccinations, like those for leptospirosis in dogs and ‘cat flu’ in cats, require annual boosters to maintain immunity. Others may only need to be given every 2-3 years, depending on your pet’s age, lifestyle, and risk factors, which your vet can discuss during your appointment.

What diseases do vaccinations protect against?

For dogs, core vaccinations include protection against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis. Optional vaccinations, like kennel cough, are recommended based on the risk of exposure.

For cats, vaccinations cover ‘cat flu,’ panleucopenia, and FeLV.

Rabbits are vaccinated against myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease.

Should my dog get the kennel cough vaccine?

Kennel cough vaccination is optional and advised for dogs frequently in contact with other dogs, such as in daycare or kennels.

Why do you recommend the L4 vaccine for dogs?

The L4 vaccine protects against all current strains of leptospirosis in the UK, providing comprehensive coverage. Research shows no increased risk associated with the L4 vaccine.

My cat stays indoors, why vaccinate?

Even indoor cats are at risk of diseases like cat flu and panleucopenia as viruses can be brought into the home. Vaccination is the safest way to protect them.

Does my pet need a rabies vaccination?

Rabies vaccination is only necessary if you plan to travel abroad with your pet as rabies isn’t present in the UK.


For more information, check out these resources:

BVA Statement on Nobivac L4 Vaccine

Leptospira Vaccination in Dogs – Veterinary Medicines Directorate

Leptospirosis Fact Sheet

We offer a comprehensive range of surgical services at our state-of-the-art theatre, covering soft tissue, orthopedic, and emergency procedures.

Soft Tissue Surgeries:

  • Neutering (spays and castrations)
  • Surgical biopsies
  • Exploratory laparotomy
  • Foreign body removal

Orthopedic Procedures:

  • Bone fracture repair
  • Cruciate surgery
  • Patella surgery
  • Amputations

Emergency Surgeries:

  • GDV (bloat surgery)
  • Trauma-related surgeries

Every surgical procedure is tailored to the individual pet, ensuring the safest anesthesia with a customized drug combination. We prioritize patient safety and utilize full surgical monitoring equipment, including blood pressure, pulse oximetry, capnography, and ECG. Additionally, we offer pre-anesthetic blood screens and provide IV fluid support throughout any general anesthesia procedure.

Your pet’s well-being is our top priority, and our experienced team is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of surgical care.

Neutering your pet offers numerous health benefits beyond preventing unwanted pregnancies. Here’s what you need to know for cats, dogs, and rabbits:


Neutering your cat around 5 months of age is recommended before they reach puberty. This helps prevent unwanted pregnancies in females and reduces the risk of infections like FIV, uterine infections, and tumors. For male cats, neutering reduces straying, fighting (a main cause of FIV infection), and prevents spraying and scent marking at home. Neutering plays a vital role in controlling the population of unwanted cats and helps prevent the spread of FIV, benefiting both your cat and the community.

After your cat is neutered, here’s what you can expect:

  • Drowsiness: Your cat may feel drowsy due to anesthesia. Keep them warm and quiet, and don’t allow outdoor activities for 24-48 hours.
  • Litter tray: Provide a litter tray as your cat may not want to go outside immediately after surgery.
  • Appetite: Some cats may not eat right away, but their normal appetite should return within 12 hours.
  • Wound care: Check the surgical site daily for the first 10 days. Look out for swelling, bleeding, discharge, or increased discomfort. Contact your vet if you notice any concerning signs.
  • Pain relief: Your cat will receive pain relief injections during surgery and will have three days of oral pain relief medication (applicable to spaying only, not castration).
  • Preventing licking: It’s crucial to prevent your cat from licking or chewing the wound as it can delay healing and lead to infection. An Elizabethan collar may be provided for this purpose.
  • Stitches: The stitches used are dissolvable, so they won’t need to be removed.
  • Post-operative check: A follow-up check is typically scheduled 3-5 days after the surgery to ensure proper healing and address any concerns.



For female dogs, we recommend spaying around 3 months after their first season. This timing helps reduce the risk of urinary incontinence, joint, and musculoskeletal diseases. Spaying also dramatically decreases the chance of mammary tumors and womb infections, which can be fatal. However, in some large and giant breed dogs, it’s advisable to wait until 18 months of age before spaying.

Regarding male dogs, while neutering doesn’t offer as many health benefits, it can reduce the risk of prostate disease and certain cancers. Testosterone can also contribute to undesirable behaviors like roaming and aggression. Neutering for most male dogs can be done between 6 and 12 months of age, although in some large breeds, waiting until they are fully grown is recommended.

If surgical castration isn’t feasible, an alternative is chemical castration, where a hormone implant suppresses testosterone production for 6 to 12 months. This can be useful for behavior trials or situations where anesthesia for surgery isn’t possible.

After neutering, changes in sex hormones can lead to increased appetite and reduced activity levels. Adjusting your pet’s diet and exercise routine accordingly is advised for their overall well-being.

After your dog is neutered, here’s what you can expect:

  • Drowsiness: Your dog may feel drowsy for the first 24 hours due to the anesthesia. Keep them in a warm and quiet environment.
  • Diet: Offer a gastrointestinal or light diet for 1-3 days, although your dog may not be as hungry for the first 12 hours.
  • Pain relief: Your dog will receive pain relief injections during surgery and will have three days of oral pain relief medication to take at home.
  • Activity restrictions: Avoid swimming, bathing, or jumping until the wound is fully healed. Walk your dog on a leash for five days after the operation.
  • Wound care: Check the surgical wound daily for any signs of swelling, bleeding, discharge, or increased discomfort. Contact your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.
  • Elizabethan collar or medical pet shirt: Your dog may be provided with an Elizabethan collar or a medical pet shirt to protect the wound. It’s recommended to wear it for at least ten days to prevent complications.
  • Post-operative check: A follow-up check is usually scheduled 3-5 days after the operation to ensure proper healing and address any concerns.



Rabbits thrive best in pairs or groups, and neutering is recommended for all rabbits, regardless of sex or group composition. Neutering not only prevents pregnancy but also reduces aggression, spraying, and makes rabbits easier to train. Additionally, it lowers the risk of uterine and testicular tumors.

For mixed-sex pairs or groups, it’s advisable to neuter males from 12 weeks of age, as female rabbits can become pregnant as early as 3 months old. Females can be neutered from 5 months of age.

Male rabbits remain fertile for up to 6 weeks after neutering, so it’s essential to keep them separate from unneutered females for at least a month. However, they should be kept close by to maintain their bond during this period.

After your rabbit has been neutered, here’s what you can expect:

  • Drowsiness and disorientation: Your rabbit may feel drowsy or disoriented for the first 24 hours after the operation. Keep them indoors during this time, even if they usually live outside, to ensure they’re safe.
  • Diet: Offer your rabbit their normal hay, pellets, and greens as soon as they get home. It’s crucial for them to start eating to prevent gut stasis. In some cases, a syringe feeding formula may be provided to supplement their diet initially.
  • Pain relief: Your rabbit will be given oral pain relief medication to use at home after the operation.
  • Bald patch: Your rabbit may have a small bald patch on their ear(s) where the fur was clipped to administer the anesthesia injection. This is normal and should grow back over time.
  • Wound care: Normally, rabbits don’t need to be re-examined after neutering as long as they are eating well and back to their normal selves. However, it’s essential to check the surgical wound daily until it’s fully healed. If you notice any issues or concerns, contact your vet promptly.

Our imaging facilities offer a range of diagnostic tools including digital X-ray, ultrasound, echocardiography (heart ultrasound), and endoscopy. These tools are invaluable in diagnosing and monitoring various conditions in your pet.

X-ray and Ultrasound: These are commonly used to investigate orthopedic fractures, abdominal issues like bloating or foreign bodies, certain cancers, and conditions affecting internal organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. X-rays are particularly useful for examining bones and the chest, while ultrasound is non-invasive and provides images of internal organs and structures.

Ultrasound Procedure: Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images and is often performed without anesthesia. Your pet may need to be gently held by a nurse while lying on their side. Fasting for 8-12 hours may be required in case sedation is needed for a more accurate examination or if needle biopsies are required.

X-ray Procedure: X-rays involve radiation passing through the body to create images of internal structures, particularly bones and the chest. General anesthesia or sedation is usually necessary to ensure your pet remains still for accurate imaging. Fasting for 8-12 hours prior to the procedure is required.

Endoscopy: This involves inserting a thin, flexible camera into the throat, abdomen, or airways to examine internal structures. It can be used for various purposes such as removing foreign bodies, taking biopsies, or investigating functional problems. Like X-rays, endoscopy also requires general anesthesia, so fasting is necessary.

Our goal is to provide thorough and accurate diagnostic imaging to ensure the best possible care for your pet. If you have any questions or concerns about these procedures, please don’t hesitate to ask our team.

Pet Dentals

At Hills Veterinary Clinic, we offer comprehensive dental care services for pets, including routine procedures like ultrasonic descaling, digital dental X-rays, and extractions when necessary.

Dental issues are common in pets, but regular check-ups can help detect problems early. Signs of dental disease include bad breath, drooling, pawing at the mouth, difficulty eating, chewing on one side, and decreased grooming. Daily tooth brushing with pet-friendly toothbrushes and enzymatic toothpaste is crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing plaque buildup.

For more information on home dental care and brushing techniques, you can visit the PDSA website. PDSA – Dental Care

When tartar accumulates on teeth, it can lead to periodontal disease, causing pain and potential tooth loss. While dental diets and special chews can help, tartar removal requires veterinary intervention through dental procedures.

Cats are prone to a specific type of dental disease called ‘feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions,’ which can lead to enamel erosion and painful spots on the teeth. In many cases, affected teeth may need to be extracted.

All dental procedures at our clinic are performed under general anesthesia, allowing for a thorough examination, dental X-rays, cleaning, and extractions if needed. Pets undergoing extractions receive pain relief and are scheduled for a follow-up check-up in 3-5 days post-surgery.

For any dental concerns or to schedule a check-up, please contact our clinic.

We offer appointments with our friendly nurse team to address specific health concerns for your pet, including weight management, feline diabetes, and elderly cat wellness.

Weight Clinics:

  • Obesity is a rising concern in pets, affecting their quality and length of life.
  • Signs of overweight pets include difficulty feeling ribs and spine, lack of waist when viewed from above, and a stomach equal to or larger than the chest.
  • Our weight clinic nurses provide advice, formulate diet plans, and arrange regular weigh-ins to help your pet achieve a healthy weight.

Feline Diabetes Clinics:

  • Symptoms of feline diabetes include weight loss, increased drinking, and urination.
  • Older male cats are at higher risk, and obesity is a common cause.
  • Our nurses offer guidance on insulin injections, glucose monitoring, and dietary management for diabetic cats.

Elderly Cat Wellness Clinics:

  • Cats are living longer, but age-related illnesses such as kidney disease and hyperthyroidism are common.
  • Regular check-ups can detect these issues early for effective management.
  • Our wellness clinics offer weight checks, blood pressure monitoring, and blood/urine tests, tailored to your cat’s needs.

As for cost and frequency of these clinics, please contact our clinic directly for more information. Additionally, for advice on caring for your elderly cat, you can refer to the link provided. Caring for Elderly Cats

For addressing pet behavior problems, such as separation anxiety or aggression, it’s essential to seek help from professionals. While some issues can be resolved with the assistance of experienced trainers, others may require expertise from qualified veterinary behaviorists. Before working with a behaviorist, a veterinary referral is necessary to rule out any underlying medical or physical issues.

Here are some helpful links for further information:

  1. PDSA – Certified Dog Behaviourists
  2. Blue Cross – What to Do If Your Dog Has a Behaviour Problem


Additionally, you can explore these organizations and professionals for further assistance:

By seeking help from these resources and professionals, you can effectively address and manage your pet’s behavior problems for a happier and healthier relationship.

Flea and worming

Year-round protection against fleas, tape worms and round worms is important for you and your pet’s health and wellbeing. Exposure to fleas can be an underlying cause of many skin problems as well as being unpleasant and uncomfortable. Most people are aware fleas are more commonly seen during periods of warmer weather such as spring and summer. However, as indoor temperatures rise with central heating, the home actually provides the perfect breeding ground for flea infestations.

Intestinal worms in cats and dogs can cause vomiting and diarrhoea, and although not normally serious can be passed to humans. If you have young children in your household it is especially important that you regularly treat your pet. Lung worm in dogs, is spread by exposure to slugs and snails, and can be fatal. Unfortunately, it is on the rise, especially in the south of the UK, so regular preventative treatment is essential.

It is a legal requirement that in order to dispense prescription flea and worming treatments your pet must have had a check up with a vet in the past 12 months. If it has been more than 12 months since we have seen your pet, a vet will need to examine your pet and a consultation fee will be applied in order to prescribe any treatment.

Check your dogs parasite risk:

Information about the flea life cycle and treating the home:

Fleas and flea control in cats:

Pet Laser Therapy (Photobiomodulation therapy)

Photobiomodulation, commonly referred to as Laser therapy is a form of light therapy used to treat an array of conditions. The penetrating laser light causes chemical changes in the soft tissues, producing a photo-chemical response within the body. The laser targets damaged cells and can help them to regenerate faster, promoting healing.

This is a drug free and side-effect free treatment and can be used as an adjunct to your pet’s treatment plan.

Common uses/indications include:

  • Osteoarthritis management
  • Post-operative pain management
  • Incision healing
  • Otitis
  • Lick granulomas
  • Dermatitis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Wound/burn healing.
  • Fractures/orthopaedics
  • Degenerative myelopathy

Effects include:

  • Accelerates tissue repair and cell growth
  • Reduction in inflammation
  • Increases circulation
  • Decreases pain
  • Promotes healing

Your pet must wear protective goggles whilst having treatment, to protect them from the laser beam. The practitioner and client/owner will also wear these.

During treatment a massage probe or hand-piece will be passed over your pet’s injury/joint or treatment site. Depending on your pet’s condition, an on-contact or non-contact applicator will be used. There is no necessity to clip or shave your pet prior to treatment.

Your pet will feel a soothing warming sensation over the site of injury. Most pets find this relaxing and enjoy their treatments.

We often have cats available for adoption.

The cats we have in for adoption are almost always stray cats. We work very closely with a local charity, Animal Aid and Advice, and a lot of the cats are usually picked up from the street by their workers.

We sometimes get stray cats bought in by members of the public. If they aren’t chipped or claimed, we try and find them a home.

You can find out more about Animal Aid and Advice here:

Animal Aid and Advice – We are a voluntary animal welfare group, committed to rescuing and rehoming abused and stray cats.

By law all dogs aged 8 weeks and above must be microchipped. We would highly recommend all cats to be microchipped as they are free roaming. We would advise cat owners to purchase a microchip cat flap. Microchipping is a painless procedure which does not require sedation or anesthetic. Your details are held by PETLOG so our reception team will check with you that the information we have on our system is up to date. It is the client’s responsibility to inform PETLOG of any changes to home address/telephone numbers if needed.

British pet passports have not been valid since Brexit and have been replaced with AHCs. These certificates are for 1 travel period only when travelling with your pet to Europe. Please see attached information sheets on travelling with your pet.

Not all veterinary surgeons can fill in an AHC so it is important you call the surgery at least 3 weeks prior to your travel plans to check availability and book your appointment. We cannot guarantee appointments for AHCs if only a few days’ notice has been given.

For information regarding travel requirements, please contact APHA direct travel helpline on: 0370 241 1710


Should your pet need to stay with us during the day, we have comfortable kennel facilities with separate wards for dogs and cats to help make your pet’s stay as stress free as possible. A ward nurse carries out regular checks on our post-operative and medical patients throughout the day. If hospitalisation overnight is necessary, you may be required to take your pet to the closest 24-hour veterinary hospital (Vet 24 in Hampstead).

In-house laboratory

We have a comprehensive range of diagnostic blood tests, urine tests and microscopy available in our in-house laboratory, meaning we can get same day results and often within minutes.

Blood tests

These include haematology, biochemsitry, electrolytes, thyroid, pancreatic lipase and FIV. Some blood tests can only be performed at a specialist lab, in which case we courier samples overnight and normally receive results in the next 1-2 days. Very specialist tests can take longer, but we should be able to let you know this at the time of sampling.

How is a blood sample taken?

A nurse holds the pet in the correct position while the vet clips a small area of fur on the neck or leg, raises the vein and takes the sample. We usually perform 50-100?? blood tests per week so are very experienced in how to do these efficiently and causing the least stress to your pet.

Urine tests

Urine samples often need to be examined to check how well the kidneys are functioning, or whether there is glucose, blood, crystals or bacteria present.

How is a urine sample collected?

If a routine sample is required in dogs, we can supply a special sample pot that will help you collect a sample whilst you take your dog out for their regular walk. In cats, we can supply a special urine collection kit, which contains non absorbable litter, a pipette and sample pot, allowing you to collect a sample at home. This must be done using a clean litter tray. You can then drop the sample into us at reception for analysis.

In some cases where a sterile sample is required for culture and sensitivity testing, we may need to take a urine sample direct from the bladder. We can do this by performing cystocentesis, where a fine needle is passed directly into the bladder to extract the sample.